Brighton & Hove City Council


Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee


4.00pm16 June 2022


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber





Councillors: Osborne (Joint Chair), Powell (Joint Chair), Rainey (Deputy Chair), Evans (Opposition Spokesperson), Grimshaw (Opposition Spokesperson), Ebel, Littman, Robins and Simson


Co-Optees: Jessica Sumner, Chief Superintendent Justin Burtenshaw, Harpreet Kaur.



Part One




1             Procedural Business


Apologies from Stephanie Prior.


(a)  Councillor Brown Substituting for Councillor Bagaeen.

Jessica Sumner Substituting for Joanna Martindale.

(b)  Councillor Powell declared an interest that she works for Sussex Police.




2             Minutes


2.1 Councillor Simson requested clarification on point 78.2.


RESOLVED: The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.




3             Chairs Communications


3.1 The Chair gave the following communications:


Please note that item 14 has been withdrawn from the Agenda and deferred to a different meeting, and the Pool Passage Space Protection Order report has been added as item 9A..


Before we start the meeting, Councillors were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Ann NORMAN, former Councillor and Mayor.  Ann was well liked by councillors across the political divide and popular with residents.  She was a really caring and kind person, who was a shining example of what it means to be an elected councillor.  Our thoughts are with her husband Ken, and her family and friends. Another former Mayor, Pat Hawkes has also passed away recently. Could we all take a minute to remember Ann and Pat, please.


Welcome to the meeting everyone, today is Sussex Day and we are flying the Sussex flag outside of Hove Town Hall.




I was pleased to attend the DEG and to hear from partners about how they have been performing. Although in general we are still missing out on as many international visitors as pre-pandemic, the level of domestic tourism is strong and footfall into Brighton has bounced back to levels last seen in 2019, as you will have seen if you have been out and about in the city centre over the last few weekends. The main concerns remain about how the cost of living crisis may affect people and we’ll have to closely monitor this going forward but it seems when people go out they still spend money, it’s just perhaps that they do this less frequently than before.


From the Councils side, we will continue working on the 4 priorities agreed in the tourism recovery plan last year which are (1) Promote the city locally, regionally and nationally, (2) Build back consumer confidence and awareness, (3) Enhance the look and feel of the city, and (4) Extend the season to make the city an ‘all year round’ destination. However, also alongside the DEG, we want to begin to tentatively look forward more long term and this is why we will be beginning review the management plan which was passed in 2018 and runs until 2023.


On the first point in the recovery plan, the promotion of B&H internationally, partnering with the Brighton Centre and the Hilton Brighton Metropole, from 31 May – 2 June VisitBrighton exhibited at IMEX Frankfurt, Europe’s leading meeting, incentive, conference and exhibition (MICE) trade show which welcomes over 5000 international decision makers. After a live events hiatus of two years, buyers were delighted to ‘talk shop’ with Brighton, discovering more about our enviable conference facilities. They were encouraged to attend the European Meetings and Events Conference, which we’re delighted to be hosting at the Hilton Brighton Metropole in March 2023, to get first-hand experience of Brighton. The team generated enquiries which have the potential to generate over £5m of economic benefit for the City from international associations, corporate buyers and conference agencies; now the hard work starts to convert them to firm business!


VisitBrighton will also be in London at the Meetings Show at the end of month trying to tempt people to bring their business down here and this sits alongside the work they do year round to ensure we have a strong list of bookings and pipeline of future opportunities and general campaign work including the Never Normal Brighton and Never Normal Sussex campaigns. In previous years there has been an annual update highlighting the activity of VisitBrighton, and we’ll be bringing this back later in the year so members and public can better understand the important work that they do so look forward to that. Finally, they have a new website which I’d recommend you check out.




Over the last month the main issue has been to deal with the national chlorine shortage that has been caused by the main factory producing this closing down early for planned updates and due to unavailability of getting chlorine from other sources. Freedom Leisure as our leisure facility managers have been stockpiling chlorine so that we can keep our pools open for as long as possible and have been working on installing new equipment at the Prince Regent which will enable that site to make its own chlorine. All are pools are still open; but we’ve had to close the paddling pools in the city and this situation is constantly being assessed- if there is to be any closures of the pools, we’ll let everyone know in due course.


However, there is another issue with our sports facilities which is the cost of energy which is really hitting the sector badly given the amount of energy that these facilities take up. The trade association representing the leisure sector, UK Active, alongside Swim England, the Local Government Association and others have lobbied the government for urgent talks and an emergency support package to help out, and we’ll wait to see if any support is forthcoming, but we’re working closely with FL on this locally and will keep on top of the situation as best as we can.


The wider issue with the state of facilities remains and the work on the investment plan continues though. We will be arranging visit to other modern facilities to see how they work and with additional staff resource in place for this plan, the work on this will be able to take place more quickly over the coming months.




The late spring is always a very lively time of the year over and over the last month we have had a successful Fringe and festival despite the numerous challenges, so thank you to both for their work in the city and I know you’ll agree that Brighton wouldn’t be the same without them. Throughout the summer there is a lot more to look forward to including Women’s Euros throughout July, the return of Paddle round the Pier on 3rd July, Trans Pride and Pride weekend at start of August and more.




The events feed on nicely to my final update on the cultural side of things.


The ABCD Cultural Recovery programme has come to an end of an intense period of activity, with 10 projects delivering in person and online, employing over 100 artists and creative freelancers, with 1000’s of people enjoying events like Third Thursdays, which ended on 21st April with one of the largest audiences yet (and hopefully we were able to come to one of the 5 evenings) and the Tarner Community Glow Festival. There has also been further artwork commissioned in the city and the final piece of wall art – by Lee Eelus on the wall of Gresham Blake – is now complete, after a Covid interruption, so if you haven’t walked along the Enliven art trail yet, now is the time to do it, and details can be found on the Culture in Our City website. You may have also attended the Igniter events or been on one of the Alternative Tour of Brighton and Hove, developed by South East Dance Network, or participated in one of the other activities. Earlier this week there was an Open Space session for people to reflect on the work so and look forward so I’m sure more will come out of this.


We are delighted to say that we have been successful with an application to Coast to Capital LEP for funding from their Regional Projects Business Case Development fund to support the Space to Grow strand.  The funding will support a working group and significant research and evidence gathering to help articulate the need and build the case for support for creative space in the city, very important issue for the city going forward.


In addition, to the main update on the cultural recovery plan, I wanted to mention that the formal launch of the public arts strategy took place in May at University of Brighton Centre for Contemporary Arts, which myself Cllr MacCafferty and Cllr Deane were at. This has already been through the committee process and now in place so looking forward to the impact this will have on the city and influence in future art.


Finally, I just wanted to mention about the new exhibition of the RPMT which connects sport, heritage and culture called Goal Power exhibition. This will open to the public this Saturday and is part of the cities celebrations of hosting the Women’s Euros. The exhibition will highlight women who have dedicated their lives to the ‘beautiful game’, sharing in their stories of resistance, perseverance, but above all a love for football that means they have trailblazed the way for women and girls today. From the feminist players of 1894 and the war worker footballers of the First World War to those who defied the Football Association to play and those who have changed the Football Association from within, it’s a great exhibition to go along to if you get the chance.




Few announcements about projects and related planning matters:


The Kingsway to the Sea project had two drop in events at the King Alfred ballroom and was happy to see lots of residents at the one on Friday. The consultation closed last week, with officers compiling responses.


There is another live consultation running until the 21st June on the proposed West Saltdean area neighbourhood area and forum. Please get your comments in before that deadline. This will then be coming back to committee later this year.


Finally, we’ve heard back from the government on the A4D against conversion of class E to residential and unfortunately the government have pushed back on this. We still believe that it is vitally important to protect our local parades and city centre so will work to refine this and resubmit and committee will get the chance to look at this again later in the year. 


On 10th April Cllrs Steph, Martin, Amanda Grimshaw, Leo, Dee and others attended the annual IFTAR dinner event, with the theme this year of “Rekindling Community Spirit” after a 2-year Covid break.  It was a beautiful event where we got a chance to eat together after sundown; to network, to promote community spirit, social cohesion, mutual understanding, and solidarity.

On 12th May Steph attended the Inclusive Cities project in Oxford, where she met with council officers from all the UK cities involved in the work. One of the themes was exploring the link between migration and climate change, and what more we can be doing as a City of Sanctuary.


We attended IDAHBOIT (international day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia) on May 17th, with the theme: “Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Rights”.  Founded in 2004, this important day aims to raise awareness of violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer (LGBTQ+) people to drive positive change, and is now celebrated in more than 130 countries around the world.


IDAHOBIT reminds us that there is still a long way to go until all LGBTQ+ people are free and safe from harm. This year’s theme reflects community calls for claiming our rights to live our sexualities and to express our gender(s) freely, but also demanding to be free from physical violence, from conversion so-called “therapies”, to forced sterilisation of Trans and Intersex people.


We attended the BIPC launch on 18th May.  The BIPC, in partnership with the British Library, is located within Jubilee library.  It serves as a key resource for anyone wanting to start or to grow their business in the city.


We attended Cllr ROBINS’ last event as MAYOR at the unveiling of a blue plaque to the Hilton Sisters on 26th May in Riley Road.   Violet and Daisy Hilton were the once world-famous conjoined twins who were born in Brighton, and who went on to become international entertainers during the 1920s and 30s.

The month of May also saw us complete a tour of the building works at the Corn Exchange, which is hoping to open later in the year, and which will be very exciting indeed. It will be a stunning city centrepiece for the arts, concerts and for events.


And lastly, several councillors did a tour of the gardens and woodlands at Stanmer, on fortunately, a beautiful sunny day.  It’s a stunning place with much to see, and well worth a visit.



•           The university is hosting an LGBTQ Housing summit in the city in July that both of us are attending.

•           Trans Pride is on Saturday 16th July, where Steph & her partner are volunteering.

•           And the city is gearing-up for a truly spectacular Pride on 6th August, after a 2-year gap.  The theme for this year is “Love, Protest and Unity”.

•           And on 11th July we will remember the 8,372 Bosnian Muslims who were murdered for their identity in Srebrenica, as well as the tens of thousands of others on Srebrenica Memorial Day


Some info regarding our Libraries:


•           Refugee Week starts on 20th June.  It is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. The theme for 2022 is Healing.

•           Brighton & Hove Libraries programme of cultural events, topical discussions and information sharing will celebrate and raise awareness of Refugee Week.  Libraries have worked with guest programmers Luqman Onikosi and Sara Alsherif whose contributions have been important in reflecting those seeking sanctuary and have shaped this year’s offer.

•           Stock collections for all ages will be highlighted throughout the  library and in online displays. Information about Refugee Week and events happening across the city will be available to pick up from the Jubilee Library foyer on 20-24th June.  And on Sunday 26th June members of the Ukrainian community will be at Jubilee Library to share information about Ukraine and answer questions.

•           And lastly, Councillors are looking forward to the much-awaiting second tour of our libraries on 7th July, this time focussing on the eastern part of the city. Cllrs if you’ve not booked already, then please contact Sally McMahon or Kate Rouse to book your place.




4             Call Over


The following items were called:


8          Anti Racism Pledge Update          

9          Domestic Abuse Act New Burdens Funding 2022/23  

13        Implementation of a Principal Residence Policy


The following items were agreed as per the recommendations set out in the report:


9A       Pool Passage Public Space Protection Order    

10        Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Supplementary Planning Document

11        Brunswick Town Conservation Area Character Statement      

12        Update on Conservation Area at Risk     

14        Local Enforcement Plan and Proactive Enforcement Projects

15        Sports Facilities Contract Extension       




5             Public Involvement




5.1 The Chair invited Liz Cook to present the petition on page 21 of the Agenda.


5.2 Liz Cook presented the petition ‘Rethink the Skateboard and Bike Pump and Hove Lagoon.’


5.3 The Chair gave the following response:


Thank you for the petition and for raising this issue.


As you are aware, “The Kingsway to the Sea project” is a scheme to rejuvenate West Hove Seafront, and since the idea first began in 2018, when the West Hove Forum approached the council to work on plans to develop the area, the council officers have been engaging with local residents and representatives from businesses, clubs and voluntary organisations as part of the West Hove Seafront Action Group whose involvement is continuing to help shape the scheme. I think it’s important to consider all this engagement alongside your petition so that we make the decision that best reflects the needs of the city. 


The proposed plans to-date have been informed by public consultation in Sept 2021. And essentially, these plans include what residents and businesses in the area have told us they would like to see.


Last month, in May, two engagement sessions gave locals an opportunity to see the plans and give their feedback through an online survey. Overall feedback is positive with 86% of respondents recognising the plans will improve the seafront and in favour of the range of facilities proposed.


An objective of the project is to create an integrated park with attractive green spaces, better biodiversity and a range of recreational facilities and improved amenities for people of all ages. We now have an opportunity to rejuvenate and enhance these open spaces and provide something new that caters for our younger age groups.


As the demographic of West Hove has changed over recent years and there are many more families and young people in the area, we now have an opportunity to rejuvenate and enhance the open spaces and provide something new that caters for our younger age groups.


The proposed skate park, pump track and roller area are an important element of the scheme that meets the needs of younger age group. And its proposed location, next to Hove Lagoon, would link with existing family amenities such as the play park and paddling pool.


The scheme includes provision of more toilets, and the project has also brought forward the refurbishment of the WCs at Hove Lagoon which will make this a more attractive and accessible facility for all, whether people are in the skate park area or visiting the Lagoon.  


Green space is a very important aspect of the scheme and current plans demonstrate this. The scheme includes designated green spaces for people to meet, picnic, exercise and play, and regarding provision for dogs, dog walking would be welcome across the majority of the park (except play and the specific sports areas). And it’s worth noting that there are also adjacent dog friendly beaches available all year-round


We will continue to engage with local groups and there will be an opportunity for further consultation as part of the planning process and you may wish to make comments on the planning application when this is published, but I’m confident we can achieve a good balance for all.


RESOLVED: The Committee agreed to note the petition.


Written Questions


5.4 The Chair invited Ruth Farnell to put the question to Committee.


5.5 Ruth Farnell asked the question regarding Equality Impact Assessments.


5.6 The Chair gave the following response:


Equality Impact Assessments (EIA) were completed by Brighton and Hove City Council, East Sussex County Council and West Sussex County Council for the Pan Sussex Strategy for Domestic Abuse Accommodation and Support  2021- 2024 and have not been published. This was an oversight and Officers will rectify this omission and ensure that the BHCC EIA is published on our webpages.


5.7 The Chair invited Nicola Benge to put the question to Committee.


5.8 Nicola Benge asked the question regarding Refuge Accomodation.


5.9 The Chair gave the following response:


Thank you for the question.  Councillors have been informed that there is a dedicated manager available at the refuge during the week. Additional management support is also available via the extended Stonewater management team.

Council officers are aware that one  flat was without heating for two days earlier in the year. However electric showers in the flats did mean that there was access to hot water. Officers were told that As soon as the refuge staff were made aware of the issue they contacted the building owner who is responsible for the maintenance to undertake the necessary repairs and that additional heating was available to the resident.

Council officers have been informed that Residents are supported to make benefit claims where required and to access GP surgeries and school admissions and that Key workers are available to residents through weekly sessions and ad hoc discussions when required. A choice of well being activities is provided for residents including Music therapy  and gardening provided by RISE. RISE also work with the support workers to deliver support for women and children around their mental health and well being. As well as this additional activities are available including yoga and kick boxing which was specifically asked for by residents. A new craft club has also been established at the request of the women and there are specific activities for children.

The contract is monitored quarterly and as well as providing data, the provider meets with the commissioner each quarter to discuss any concerns with the delivery of the contract and how these can be overcome. Council Officers have recently visited the refuge and are satisfied that services are being delivered in line with the contract. Councillors have requested sight of the monitoring information for these contracts.


5.10 Nicolas Benge asked a supplementary question regarding a report from the Brighton Council Cross Party Working Group looking into the 2021 Violence Against Women & Girls Commissioning process. The Chair responded that the report would be publicly available from the 7th July going to P&R.


RESOLVED: Democratic Services to email all public question responses to Nicola Benge.


5.11 The Chair invited Lesley Hammond put the question to Committee.


5.12 Lesley Hammond asked the question regarding Domestic Abuse Support.


5.13 The Chair gave the following response:


The post has been appointed to and the postholder has been in post since 7th February 2022. The first meeting of the Lived Experience Board took place on 19th April 2022.


RESOLVED: Lesley Hammond to be sent details of the new Community Engagement Officer in post.


5.14 The Chair invited Richard Valder-Davis to put the question to Committee.


5.15 Richard Valder-Davis asked the question regarding a Storage Unit at Saltdean Beach.


5.16 The Chair gave the following response:


Thank you for attending the meeting Richard. The work you do is really important. It would depend on the specifics of what needs to be stored, but please get in contact with Please could Mr Valder-Davis contact Toni Manuel, Seafront Development Manager directly to discuss what storage options might be available.


RESOLVED: Richard Valder-Davis to get in touch with Toni Manuel to discuss storage solutions.




6             Items referred from Council


Notice of Motion


6.1 The Chair asked the Committee to agree the actions in the cross-party Notice of Motion on page 23 of the agenda regarding Solidarity with Refugees, and the Motion was agreed.




6.2 The Chair invited Lawrence Leather to introduce the petition starting on page 29 of the Agenda.


6.3 The Chair gave the following response:


Thank you for your petition. We’ve been in contact about this and other issues regarding the site and thank you for your constructive engagement on this all.

We are expecting the City Plan Part Two Examination Inspector’s report later this Summer but there has been no indication from the Inspector that she is looking to remove urban fringe sites from the Plan - other than the site adjacent to Horsdean Recreation Ground (which was agreed during the public hearing sessions). Legal advice is that if the council now wanted to remove urban fringe sites the entire plan would need to be withdrawn and could not be adopted. This would have the result of making all urban fringe sites far more vulnerable to unwanted levels and types of development. It would also mean the loss of all the other important policies in the new Plan that will protect and enhance the city. You can be assured, however, that if or when planning applications are brought forward on urban fringe sites – they will be required to include detailed ecological evidence that will be carefully scrutinised by officers. Further to this, I’m happy to work with you and others on taking forward proposals with the site. I therefore propose the Committee notes your petition.


RESOLVED:The petition was noted by Committee.





7             Member Involvement


Notices of Motion


7.1 The Chair invited Councillor Simson to introduce the Notice of Motion on page 31 of the Agenda, regarding Black Rock Disabled Access.


7.2 Councillor Simson introduce the Notice of Motion which was seconded by Councillor Brown.


7.3 Councillor Rainey supported the Notice of Motion, citing the 850 metre beach boardwalk which was opened earlier in 2022, as well as the plans to build a new lift linking Madeira Drive and Marine Parade. Councillor Powell also expressed her support for the Notice of Motion.


7.4 Councillor Robins raised that it is important to pay recognition to the Volunteers at Black Rock, and supported the Notice of Motion. Councillor Evans also expressed her support for the Notice of Motion.


RESOLVED: The Notice of Motion was agreed by Committee.


Written Questions


7.5 Councillor Simson asked the question on page 33 regarding Victoria Fountain.


7.6 The Chair gave the following response:


The Victoria Fountain, Old Steine is temporarily propped and has been made safe following the structural engineer HOP’s condition report that identified structural problems in early 2020.  There were delays to carrying out intrusive surveys due to the pandemic and HOP were commissioned to do further in-depth surveys of the structure in 2021 to be able to specify the repair works for all the specialisms associated with the repair works for the Fountain which they have been working on earlier this year. HOP have been appointed to project manage the major refurbishment and repairs required to renovate the Victoria Fountain and it is part of their brief to assess the ground conditions to ensure safe working methods on the project.


The update is that the tender package has been put together and the route to market has been agreed with Corporate Procurement. Some final information about the mechanical and electrical specification, and minor amendments to the health and safety documents, are required, but we forecast the tender going live this week. Completion of the project is expected by the end of December 2022.


The condition of the fountain cannot be fully assessed until the upper sections are craned out of position during the construction stage. There is, as a result, a potential likelihood that the works phase of the contract could extend past December and the project is of course also weather dependent.


7.7 Councillor Simson asked if members could be updated on the progress of the works – the Chair confirmed that any updates would be mentioned in Chairs Comms or briefing notes to members.


7.8 Councillor Simson asked the question on page 33 of the Agenda regarding funding for community safety.


7.9 The Chair gave the following response:


The £94k contribution from the PCC office for 2022/23 is pooled with the public health substance misuse service budget to provide the full range of substance misuse interventions including those to engage and support offenders into treatment.


The Youth Offending Service contribution from the Office of the Sussex Police Crime Commissioner is added to a pooled budget from other statutory partners including the Police and the Local Authority. This budget funds the Youth Offending Service, including the pre court and post court work with children involved in offending behaviour. The OPCC contribution was 1.5% of the total budget for the Adolescent Service in 2021/22.


The community safety contribution from the OSPCC also forms part of a pooled budget for the safer communities team and allows the service to deliver against the community safety strategy as well as funding a post in the ASB casework team.


7.10 Councillor Brown asked the question on page 33 of the Agenda regarding the Anti Racism Strategy (in place of Councillor Bagaeen).


7.11 The Chair gave the following response:


The Police were very positive about attending the Anti-Racism Community Advisory Group established by the city council to facilitate dialogue between services and communities. However, the members of the CAG prioritised their time for council services as they felt the Police already had several engagement groups with BME groups that should be used.


The Council core funds the Racial Harassment Forum (RHF) which provides support to people who have experienced race/faith hate and liaises and feeds back to the Police on improving its processes and services.


The council has funded three third party community-based reporting centres. All three are now opened. There is one hosted by the RHF specifically for BME communities. Individuals can be supported to report to statutory agencies or can complete a report which can be submitted on their behalf. They may also decide that they do not wish to report to statutory agencies at all. Officers will be monitoring the success of these going forward.


7.12 Chief Superintendent Justin Burtenshaw added that the Police are heavily involved with the Council regarding the Racial Harassment Policy, and the Public Engagement Group is used to consult residents on all aspects of policing in the city.


7.13 Councillor Nemeth asked the question on page 5 of Addendum 1, regarding the Chlorine Shortage.


7.14 The Chair gave the following response:


The national and global chlorine shortage was first mentioned to me when the Sports Facilities Investment Plan Working Group Members toured the King Alfred Leisure Centre.  I asked questions at the time regarding the situation and potential impact and followed up in conversations with officers. I was satisfied that Freedom Leisure were doing what they could to stockpile chlorine in containers, order as much chlorine from suppliers as could be safely stored and was also interested to learn about the planned installation of new equipment at the Prince Regent to increase resilience and enable the direct generation of the required chlorine on site. I was recently alerted to an unplanned closure of one the main chlorine generating plants in the UK which was impacting on the chemical deliveries nationwide and within Brighton & Hove. This unexpected additional issue meant that we could run out of the stored chemicals before new stocks could be delivered and after considering options, we circulated the information via a briefing as soon as possible to keep other councillors informed. There was also a press release to keep the public informed and difficult decisions made in order to agree a priority for chlorine allocation with Freedom Leisure to prioritise keeping the main swimming pools open.


7.15 Councillor Nemeth asked the Chair how he plans to prioritise between outdoor and indoor pools. The Chair responded that numerous outdoor facilities except the Level are closed until the new Chlorine delivery at the start of July, to prioritise indoor pools.




8             Anti Racism Pledge Update


8.1 Jamarl Billy introduced the report starting on page 35 of the Agenda.


8.2 Councillor Grimshaw was informed that she’d be sent the attendance numbers for the drop-in session mentioned in 3.6.3.


8.3 Councillor Simson was informed that that the £110,000 funding previously reserved for the world reimagined project would be discussed by local community groups as to how it should be spent and signed off by Emma McDermott and Rachel Sharpe as they have delegated authority for grant giving up to a certain amount.


8.4 Councillor Evans was informed that discussions are being held about including businesses and tourism in the Anti-Racist Strategy for BME people in the city. He also added that an action list would come to TECC to be signed off.


8.5 Councillor Powell thanked Jamarl Billy for his report and thanked the Community Advisory Group for their hard work. She also agreed that the World Reimagined funding should be led by the Community as to how it is spent. She added that it would be helpful to get the civic leadership programme completed as there would be an election the following year.


8.6 Councillor Osborne requested that figures be included in the next report relating to the BIPC. He was informed that Oxford Council have a good anti-racism strategy which can be viewed on their website.




·         That Committee agreed to allocate available funding as set out in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3 of this report.


·        Jamarl Billy to send Cllr Grimshaw attendance numbers for the drop in session mentioned at point 3.6.3




9             Domestic Abuse Act New Burdens Funding 2022/23


9.1 Anne Clark introduced the report starting on page 41 of the Agenda.


9.2 The Chair invited Councillor Grimshaw to propose the Amendment on page 5 of Addendum 3, which was seconded by Councillor Evans.


9.3 Councillor Simson was informed that the Pan-Sussex Domestic Abuse Strategy had identified gaps in the service for people with complex needs, and the extra £27,000 had been allocated to that, but there were no other gaps identified.


9.4 The Committee agreed the Labour Amendment.




That Committee:


·         Agree to allocate available funding as set out in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3 of this report, with the exception of £30,000 to the Domestic Violence and Abuse Specialist Support Service (IDVA) which should be allocated by the Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities following consultation with the Procurement & Social Value Working Group.




10          Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Supplementary Planning Document


There was no discussion.




11          Brunswick Town Conservation Area Character Statement


There was no discussion.




12          Update on Conservation Area at Risk


There was no discussion.




13          Implementation of a Principal Residence Policy


13.1 Helen Gregory introduced the report starting on page 259 of the Agenda.

13.2 The Chair invited Councillor Evans to propose the Labour Group Amendment on page 7 of the Agenda, which was seconded by Councillor Grimshaw.

13.3 Councillor Ebel raised that second homes cause massive problems for the housing market, especially if they are being used as holiday lets which cause noise disturbances – and therefore regulation is needed.

13.4 Councillor Robins was informed that data from the 2021 census hasn’t been published but should be from Autumn 2022. He also emphasised that it is important to distinguish between reducing party houses and reducing second homes in general.

13.5 The Committee agreed to the amended recommendations, with the 2 Conservative Councillors voting against.


1. That Committee noted the policy option analysis in paragraphs 3.18 – 3.22 and the recommendation for a combination of Options 2 and 3 for further consideration during the city plan review, as well as the possibility of a citywide Principal Residence Policy. All options will remain under investigation subject to the results of the 2021 Census and further analysis of up-to-date statistics.

2. That Committee further noted that the Notice of Motion as passed at Full Council intended the Principal Residence Policy to cover all buyers purchasing properties in new developments specifically as holiday or 2nd homes and that the 15%-20% threshold discussed should therefore include these figures.

2.That Committee agreed to officers undertaking further actions set out in the report at paragraphs 3.8 in terms of further research and analysis as part of the City Plan Part 1 Review.




14          Sports Facilities Contract Extension


There was no discussion.




15          Items referred for Full Council


There was no discussion.




16          Sports Facilities Contract Extension - Exempt


There was no discussion.




17          Local Enforcement Plan and Proactive Enforcement Projects


There was no discussion.





The meeting concluded at 6:00pm.














Dated this

day of